F2OCUS Fellowship Awards
Each student awarded with a F2OCUS fellowship will receive a stipend of $5,300 in addition to travel support and on-campus room and board.
Who can apply?
Undergraduate students who are citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. or their possessions AND are currently enrolled in a U.S. institution are eligible to apply. Priority will be given to students from traditionally underserved minorities, first-generation college students, and students from institutions with limited research opportunities.
Application instructions
- Name and Contact Information
- Personal Essay
- ≤ 1-page (12-point font, 1-inch margins, single-spaced)
- Please address the following questions
- What is your background/life history (≤ 300 words)?
- What are your long-term career goals (≤ 200 words)?
- How does participating in this summer program and/or learning about food science help address your career goals (≤ 300 words)?
- Letter of Reference(s)
- Resume
- Unofficial Transcript
We recommend that you carefully develop your personal essay.
All documents should be provided as PDF files with your first and last name included in the file name.
Application deadline
Applications are due on February 28, 2025. Decisions will be made by March 11, 2025.
Application Form
A typical week in the F2OCUS program
- Research days will include every day of the work week. On these days, F2OCUS fellows work with their faculty mentors to complete experiments related to their outlined research projects. Typical days will start around 8 am and end at 5 pm.
- Leadership and Communication activities will be on Tuesday mornings with Dr. Jill Rucker. “On the Hill with Jill” will help F2OCUS fellows identify and understand their personal leadership styles as well as how to use their strengths within team settings. In addition, communication and professional development activities will be addressed.
- Product Development activities will occur on Tuesdays after “On the Hill with Jill” where lunch will be served at the Food Science building. During this time, a guest speaker will be invited to discuss different aspects of product development.
- Industry and Extension activities will occur throughout the 10-week program, specific days will vary.